Laura Nordström
I am a researcher that focuses on the EU and political economy. My website offers information in English on my research and my previous career in politics. In Finnish you can read more on myself, blog posts and travelling as a vegetarian.
Power of Experts in the EU
Birth of the Troika and Resilience of the EMU paradigm in the European debt crisis of 2010
IMF expertise in the eurozone crisis
From stimulus talk to austerity policy
Inclusion of IMF in Eurozone Crisis Management
Legitimacy Through External Expertise and Internal Depoliticisation
On my research on EU and political economy
Black and white photos from all around the world
My previous activities in politics
Power of Experts in the EU
My lectio praecursoria in my PhD defense in June 2024. It has been also published in Finnish in Poliittinen talous. This dissertation titled “Power of Experts…
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