My research topics at the University of Helsinki (world politics) are the European union, European economic governance, global political economy, lobbying and consulting, the power of expert knowledge, big tech, interest groups, think tanks, network analysis, epistemic communities, theory of (ideational) power and the eurozone crisis. My PhD Power of experts in the EU – Birth of the Troika and Resilience of the EMU paradigm in the European debt crisis in 2010 analysed the power of experts and technocracy in the eurozone crisis decision-making. My present research concerns big tech EU lobbying.
You can read more about my research work and my scientific social interaction on the website of the University of Helsinki, including links to my articles. In the past, I have also studied the power of think tanks, for example.
You can read my writings on the EU in Finnish here.
Power of Experts in the EU
Birth of the Troika and Resilience of the EMU paradigm in the European debt crisis of 2010
IMF expertise in the eurozone crisis
From stimulus talk to austerity policy
Inclusion of IMF in Eurozone Crisis Management
Legitimacy Through External Expertise and Internal Depoliticisation
Power of Experts in the EU
My lectio praecursoria in my PhD defense in June 2024. It has been also published in Finnish in Poliittinen talous. This dissertation titled “Power of Experts…
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